Syphus Music Quarterly Newsletter
January-March 2020

Happy New Year!

Another year has come and gone. Looking back it always seems to just fly by. As we were looking through the year we couldn’t believe that some of the gigs we did were clear back in January, it really does seem like just yesterday. Our year was pretty uneventful by way of anything new, but we still like to look back and see what we accomplished as musicians!

Here are some of our musical highlights of 2019:

We also….

Taught 22 private students
Played 26 professional (paid) gigs
Taught at 1 summer music camp
Earned one Master’s Degree!
Finally made our website live

As always, we look forward to what another year will bring. We are re-committing to consistent practice and to becoming better teachers, collaborators, and musicians in general.
Here’s to another successful, music-filled year!

Syphus Music Studio: Goal Setting

The New Year is all about setting new goals for you! At this time every year we look back at what goals we set and achieved, check in with progression of ongoing goals, and of course set some new goals. 

Ideas For Goal Setting:

*Set both long-term and short-term goals. As you know, we set goals for the year, goals for the next 6 months, and then have a very short-term weekly goal that you achieve each lesson. Often times the short-term goals build up to the long-term ones. As you choose your goals, remember to dream big, at the same time be realistic, and really think of things that you know will push you. Long term goals especially might seem impossible right now, but hey, so did playing even the simplest of songs, and look at you now!

*Check in often. After specific goals have been set, we need to be checking in with each other regularly to make sure everything is on track and that you as the student and your support systems are doing everything in your power to achieve your goals. This is our responsibility as the teacher, and equally your responsibility as the student. Don’t forget, we are a team!

*Don’t give up. Sometimes the goals you set will be really hard. They should be, that’s how we grow! Don’t let it get you down. By teaching you lessons, we are helping you gain all the tools you will need to be a successful musician and human. If you’re ever feeling discouraged, or helpless (believe me, all successful musicians have been there), we, your teachers are here for you to help you through it! 

Syphus Music, LLC.